Please note that there will be no session on the following dates:

Hampstead Dojo: Saturday 15 February

City Dojo: Monday 17 February

Classes resume on the following Saturday/Monday.


Welcome to ISKF Hampstead & City Karate Club


We are a family-friendly karate club with branches in central and north-west London. 


We teach traditional Shotokan Karate and are affiliated to the International Shotokan Karate Federation (ISKF).


Classes are led by a Japanese instructor with more than 20 years of teaching experience.


We are an inclusive, non-political club and welcome everyone from beginner to advanced, regardless of age or fitness level, and from any karate association (we are all family!).


For more information, please have a look at the pages on this website or visit our Facebook, Instagram or YouTube pages.


Contact us at info@hampsteadkarate.co.uk or info@hampsteadandcitykarate.co.uk.


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© Hampstead Karate Club