Students will be able to grade for their next kyu (colour) belt at the invitation of Club Instructors after completing a minimum of 26 hours of regular trainingStudents will also need a valid ISKF UK licence.


The belt colour system used by ISKF is as follows:


10th kyu - white

9th kyu - yellow

8th kyu - orange

7th kyu - red

6th kyu - green

5th kyu - purple

4th kyu - purple with stripe

3rd kyu - brown

2nd kyu - brown with stripe

1st kyu - brown with two stripes

1st dan and above - black


In order to pass a grading, students must demonstrate appropriate ability for the level in kihon (basics), kata (forms) and kumite (sparring).


Click here for the ISKF Kyu grade (colour belt) syllabus and Dan grade (blackbelt) syllabus.


Karate Grading FAQs
Karate Grading FAQs.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [235.1 KB]
ISKF Kata List
ISKF Kata List.pdf
Adobe Acrobat document [145.8 KB]
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